December 1, 2015

Turkey Stock

If you're anything like me, you've got the dessicated corpse of a turkey clogging up your fridge right about now. And you also once rode a roller coaster called "The Shock Wave" 10 times in a row at Six Flags. This post is more about that first part. Because leftovers are pretty much the motto of the week after Thanksgiving. And while there are tons of awesome things you can do with leftover turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and whatnot, you can also just straight-up eat them and they'll be awesome. The raggedy old turkey bones that are infesting your life? Not so much. 


1 Turkey (deceased, defiled, and consumed)
2 cloves Garlic
2 Onions
1 lb Carrots
1 bunch 'o Celery
1 Parsnip
1 Turnip
1 Lemon
1.5 TBSP Salt
1 tsp Ground Thyme
1/2 tsp Rubbed Sage
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
An unspecified amount of Water

The first thing you're gonna need to do is get over the fact that, like Ben Franklin before you, you've tortured and eaten some jive turkey. We all over it? Good. Now take the turkey corpse that you and your family have been picking at like incompetent vultures for days, and shove it all up in a pot. Cut up all of your vegetables (that's the Onion, Carrots, Celery, Turnip, Parsnip, Garlic, and Lemon, for those of you too deep in a post-thanksgiving food coma to pay any attention) into large chunks and toss them in on top of the turkey. You want to form a thick and even layer of vegetation over the body of the turkey to keep its delicious delicious soul from escaping and making its way to turkey heaven (or, if your turkey liked jazz and mixed dancing, turkey hell)

Add in your Thyme, Sage, and Pepper, and then add water until everything's covered in about 1.5 inches of water. Once your turkey sarcophagus of vegetables and water is complete (so that your turkey can carry deliciousness with it into the next life), crank up the heat to high. Let it get to a bare simmer, then clamp a lid on it and turn the heat down to low. Let it sit for pretty much as long as you have the patience for it to keep cooking. At least 1 hour. Then strain it, and there you have it! turkey stock! Which is super flavorful and awesome for making sauces and soups. And gravy. You know, in case you've still got some leftover stuffing and mashed potatoes, because you and your family lack the will if the warrior. 

For those of you interested in why this post looks a little different, it was written entirely on my phone, because I'm currently traveling on a crazy multinational adventure, because why not? And also because I was uncomfortable with not having tons of debt on my new credit card. So while I'm gonna still update every week for the duration, some updates might be a cool regional delicacy, or recipes I found that somebody else made, or crazy food adventures I had while nurturing my drinking problem. Or not! I haven't planned it out yet, because planning is for suckers and horticulturists. See you next week!

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